FORUM Forums Software CLS2SIM Software CLS E trim behavior with X Plane 11 Reply To: CLS E trim behavior with X Plane 11


Thanks for the HU about the disconnect AP on overpower setting for the Zibo. Will try it out on next flight and will be very happy if it’s working now!

Last time I tried, it did not work as previously mentioned. As I recall it, I had two issues. Having the option in the Zibo EFB set as you suggest would constantly disconnect the AP even when I didn’t overpower the yoke movements. Reason for this I guess is how it’s hard for the Zibo mod to determine if the yoke movement is caused by you or the yoke itself simply following the FDs like it should with AP engaged.

My suggestion to Zibo how this could possibly be fixed was to implement a check if the yoke current position corresponds with the FDs. If that’s the case, the AP should NOT be disconnected. If the yoke on the other hand doesn’t correspond with the FDs, that would likely mean I overpowered the yoke and the AP SHOULD be disconnected.

I never got a reply from Zibo about this but maybe he already implemented it if it now works without letting me know. Or he found another way fixing it. Regardless, I’m very much looking forward to try it out on next flight!

As for deadzone vs backlash, I did a quick test in the Zibo mod and could clearly see how having backlash enabled with the value of 2.0 which is in my profile would add a small spot in the yoke’s centered position where the yoke in the Zibo mod v/c wouldn’t move. Same thing for both axes. The zone where it wouldn’t move was very small though even when using the max value for backlash which I think is 2.0, the value I’m already using.

But it seems to work OK, so all good!

Great having these discussions in here! Since the fist day I bought my CLS-E yoke, I’ve felt a bit “alone” with very few people sharing ideas and experiences with. Which I don’t think is very strange considering the low amount of people using Brunner hardware vs other “normal” controllers such as CH, Saitek etc.

Still hoping we will have some feedback from Brunner on what we’ve discussed so far.


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