FORUM Forums Products CLSE-Yoke Max force required for both axes for no obvious reason

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  • #657

    The last couple of days I’ve noticed on a few occasions how the yoke after I started CLS2Sim and the yoke has been initialized and connected to P3Dv4.1 and the PMDG NGX is almost impossible to move both along the roll and pitch axes. In order to move the yoke I have had to apply lots of pressure and then suddenly the yoke ‘let go’ sort of speak and the force required to move it is back to normal again.

    This is when using my own NGX profile available in the Brunner Profile Cloud. I haven’t changed anything to the profile so not sure if this could indicate a hardware issue?


    Just had the same issue again and now after upgrading the firmware to v350. Was kind of hoping upgrading the firmware would fix this issue.

    Another thing I noticed today is when the yoke is powered on/initiated it’s moving very slowly to its center position. When it’s working normally it moves much faster to its center position.

    Is there a logfile somewhere that could reveal any info on what exactly is happening and why?



    Can you confirm that the problem has been resolved by loading the defaults after update?



    Stefan Brunner


    The problem is resolved and working fine also with 4.7.0 and the 350 firmware so all is good.

    When I talked to Diego I think we agreed my yoke ended up in a state where it thought the auto pilot was still engaged even after P3D wasn’t running. Reason for this was probably P3D crashed mid-flight with the AP enabled.

    I suggested to Diego maybe a good check to implement to avoid these kind of issues could be to always check when CLS2Sim is started if the simulator is running. If not, the AP should never be engaged.


    Hi Stefan,

    I just received this yoke (03-02-18) and I had the same symptoms as Larry where both pitch and roll is stuck when entering the aircraft. I think this happened randomly about 3 times. The only way to reset is shut P3d and cls2sim down, power cycle the yoke, reboot my PC and try again. Otherwise I love this yoke when things work.

    fly safe



    How did the simulator shut down last time before this happens?

    I had a similar issue caused by my simulator crashing with the autopilot connected. Next time I started the simulator my yoke reacted like you describe and like the AP was still connected although it was not caused by the previous unclean exit.

    The simple solution was to overpower the yoke just like you’re able to during flight to disconnect the AP. After that the yoke was behaving normally again.


    Hey Larry,

    I take off, reach altitude of 6,000, turn on autopilot. I always turn off autopilot at least 1,000 before landing. Shut down P3d, then CLS2sim.

    I remember doing the “overpowering of the yoke” once and everything was back to normal after that but I never did that again when it happened again, I just closed all apps and rebooted my PC.

    My sim crashed tonight and the event viewer showed CLS2sim as the cause.

    fly safe



    We will fix this issue in the next release of CLS2Sim
    -Always disconnect the autopilot when CLS2Sim is connecting to the hardware



    Stefan Brunner


    Hi Stefan

    Also I notice an issue when choosing a profile aircraft as default using the (L) beside the name of the aircraft used, most of the time it goes to the default name only and I have to chose the other name again then two aircraft are labled as follows:

    default config (L)
    c172 (L)

    When I choose to delete the (L) from default it does not work and deletes the c172 (L) instead. Perhaps another problem with CLS2sim.

    Thank you for your help.

    fly safe


    please delete



    Is that an issue now or not?


    Kind regards


    Yes, it is still an issue. I wrote disregard by accident and can’t delete it.

    fly safe



    Ok need to check..


    Stefan Brunner

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