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Hello there Craig,
I might not be the best person to provide feedback since our situations are a bit different.
These days, I’m only in X-Plane 11 and I rarely fly any other aircraft than the Zibo mod (737-800). I do fly other aircraft occasionally though with no issues. Thanks to all the options found in CLS2Sim, the software used to configure a Brunner yoke, I can’t imagine there would be an aircraft out there you couldn’t fly with the Brunner yoke using all the different options in CLS2Sim at your disposal.
When it comes to build quality and the overall “feel” compared to cheaper yokes such as those from CH Products and Saitek, the Brunner yoke IMO is in a totally different league. Which makes sense looking at the difference in price. Very much worth it though when you’re someone who really enjoy and spend lots of your time simulating flying aircraft. I’ve had my CLS-E yoke for a couple of years now and I would never go back using a cheap and plastic yoke. And my Brunner yoke is still as brand new. Can’t feel or see any wear and tear what so ever.
Hope this helps!