FORUM › Forums › Products › CLSE-Yoke › PMDG 737-700 for MSFS – what is your experience so far? › Reply To: PMDG 737-700 for MSFS – what is your experience so far?

I’m really sad to hear about that conversation you had John.
I understand there’s additional development cost but at the same time, leaving your customers who not bought but rather invested in Brunner products out in the cold. Where they are sitting with a product in the price range Brunner products are without being able to use it with all it’s functionality which to many/most of us were the reason we decided to do this investment in the first place…that is not good.
Part from this, as long as Brunner decides to keep selling products for the consumer market and the most popular simulators, to me it just doesn’t make sense to not support one of the most popular aircraft of all time. Also, most people even consider investing in a Brunner product would mostly be a “hardcore” simulation enthusiast. These in turn are most likely going to fly an aircraft such as the PMDG 737 NG. So again, not being willing to invest in making sure your products work with that aircraft seems very odd IMO if you want to continue do business.
I know I said it somewhere before (maybe even in this thread) but I really do hope Brunner reconsider this decision. Same thing goes for other flight sim hardware manufacturers such as CFY. Where many of us again invested money in the same range most “normal” people spend on buying a second car…