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I’ll copy my response from earlier today on the SimWorks Studios Discord:
In the spirit of “teach a man to fish…”, let me tell you how I approach creating a profile.
(I hesitate to share my profiles in the cloud – I have no advanced knowledge, I don’t fly a Kodi IRL, so why would my profile be better or more realistic than anything you could create? I did upload some of my profiles before, and later found out that they’re buggy, but I can’t delete or change them now, because the “Brunner cloud” is… erm… peculiar.)
Effects / Yoke physics: I get the thrust settings by loading the aircraft in the sim on the runway, and copying the “Current engine thrust” for idle and max thrust. I let the yoke be pulled forward be Elevator weight, and eyeball the settings (for the Kodi: Pull force% -20, aerodynamic speeds 15/35), prop wash affects Elevator.
Motor vibrations, ground vibrations, turbulences: whatever feels good for you. For me, it’s very low motor vibrations (for the Kodi, I use 5% force), 5-15% ground vibrations on “even” ground. I don’t use the Turbulences effect. The Kodi doesn’t have a stick shaker, I think.
Buttons: most of them are “not bound” because I assign them in FSUIPC, 7 is Disable AP, 9 and 10 are Trim elevator up/down. I don’t use hardware trim, I guess that’s a matter of taste (another reason why I don’t like to share profiles – the profiles contain a mix of “hard facts” based on physics and personal preferences, which seems kinda stupid.)
I don’t touch anything on the “Analog Inputs” tab, everything is “Not bound”.
I use the “Axis Range settings” tab mostly to limit the movement along the roll axis, to match it to the yoke animations of the aircraft. For the Kodi, the limits are 100%, but other aircraft might only turn the yoke 80% in either direction. I have no deadzones set up, I leave everything else at the default settings.
Axis force settings: my approach here is very simple: since I have no way of finding out what forces are needed in the real aircraft, I base it simply on expected airspeed. I want the yoke to be “loose” at low speeds, “firm” at high speeds, and really hard to move at overspeed – it’s how I imagine the real yoke to behave.
I “open” the windows for Pitch and Roll, switch to the Force Scale Factor tab, leave everything as is, I just set the “Max Speed”. For the Kodi, I use 220 kts for both axes. For the 172 I would use 120 kts, for a personal jet I would use something like 450 kts.
If the result is “too firm” or “too loose”, I just change the “Max Speed” as required.
AP settings: Enabled on Pitch and Roll, Velocity 20, Force 1000, no Trim to zero, “Don’t set pos in AP mode” is enabled, “On overpower disable” is set to AP&FD (personal preference), Enhanced AP mode is disabled.
Hydraulics are off, Shutdown is set to my personal preference (it shuts down both axes), Trim is enabled with default settings (no hardware trim, personal preference, again). And my Yoke doesn’t have a display, it’s a cheap CLS E NG.
I hope there’s something in this wall of text you can use.