FORUM › Forums › Software › CLS2SIM Software › Flight Simulation Software › Other Simulations like (DCS WORLD, IL2, World of Warplanesand any) › DCS WORLD, IL2, World of Warplanes & others › Reply To: DCS WORLD, IL2, World of Warplanes & others
10/03/2023 at 22:54
I’m attempting to use IL2 with Brunner DX.
Pitch seems to work as it should. Roll just wants to go all the way to one corner, and stay there. So it doesn’t want to center. Rudder pedals just stay where I put them, also no centering force.
Is there a setup somewhere that I’m not seeing? Brunner DX recognizes both devices and shows them as connected. Inputs are going to the game.
CLS-P stick
CLS-E Rudder