FORUM Forums Products CLSE-Yoke Roll sensitivity changed in SU7 (GOTY edition)?

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    For the past year I used CLS2Sim profiles which included a carefully crafted non-linear curve to compensate for what I perceived as non-linear behaviour of the yoke’s roll axis. By default, MFS used to be much more sensitive around the center of the axis: any movement of the physical yoke near the center position resulted in a smaller movement of the in-game yoke (the in-game yoke turned slower than the physical yoke), the same movement near the extreme positions resulted in a larger movement of the in-game yoke (the in-game yoke turned faster than the physical yoke). Since the linearity settings in the sim do not affect the axes provided by CLS2Sim, this had to be counteracted in the aircraft profile.

    Since last week’s update, that custom non-linear curve seems to have the opposite effect.
    I found that when I disable it, the physical yoke and the in-game yoke are moving pretty much in sync.

    Is it me or can someone confirm that the behaviour of MFS changed?

    (In case you’re using one of the profiles from the profile cloud created by me, you probably want to disable the custom curve in these profiles: open the Profile Manager, select the profile you want to fix, go the “Axis Range settings” tab, in the right column (“Roll”), click on “Open” (“Linearity Settings”), and remove the checkmark from “Enable nonlinear output” in the upper left of the window.)


    As far as I remember the default curves were not linear in MSFS, perhaps you didn’t fix that pre SU7. I know I don’t notice any difference now, but saying that I don’t use MSFS that much anymore, the sim is still more in the game category for me. Up to sim update 4 things were improving with each update. Since SU5 (XBOX support) things have gotten worse with each update.


    Yes, the default curves were not linear, that’s why I used an “opposite” curve to correct for that, so the physical yoke movement matched the in-game yoke movement.

    After SU7, I don’t need that “opposite” curve any more for the Asobo aircraft I fly (C172, TBM9, DA62).
    For 3rd party aircraft, I still need the correction curve.

    I’m pretty positive that something changed, but I’m not sure whether it’s something in the sim or just how Asobo set up their own aircraft since SU7.

    And, since you mentioned it, I haven’t launched P3D or XP in a year. My brain, spoiled by MFS, does no longer accept their environments as believable, which makes quite a difference in immersion when flying in VR. The vast majority of features a sim needs is present in MFS and working. Asobo is still struggling to find a good release rhythm, a compromise between quick development and not breaking shit with every release; they’re making progress though, e.g. by offering access to beta builds to all users for the first time now. I do hope either Lockheed-Martin or Laminar are able to provide a realistic (and pretty) world by the time Microsoft loses interest in flight simming once more, so I’m happy about anybody who’s sticking with those sims and keeping them viable.


    I did not receive my yoke until after SU7, but currently I observe that the virtual cockpit yoke movements are not linear, however external flight controls are linear.


    That would be… extremely weird.


    I updated my Cloud profiles for the default C172 and DA62/DA62X for MFS, and I added a profile for the upcoming Twin Otter.
    Use the release date or the CLS2Sim version number to identify the latest versions, the profile names are not unique (I tried to overwrite or remove the old versions, but couldn’t).

    (I haven’t tested the profiles with firmware v576 yet.)

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