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  • #2527

    Hi, here is a screenshot of my C172 Pitch, Roll and Yaw Force Scale Factor curves. I used slightly different curves for other larger GA planes…

    C172 Force Scale Factor curves

    Hope it helps, let us know how you get on 🙂


    I just had a short flight to look at this – it wasn’t something that I’d noticed before as I tend to use the autopilot a lot but when I flew without the AP just now I did notice the same thing – a slow roll to the right.

    So I disconnected the yoke/rudder – same roll to the right. Then I thought to check the turn co-ordinator and it was indeed out of balance. Applying the correct amount of rudder either manually or with rudder trim solved it.

    Might this be what you’re experiencing – maybe have a look at the turn/slip indicator? Different levels of thrust require different amounts of rudder trim to keep in balance I think. Maybe MSFS models it differently to XP?


    Thanks, great vids – and couldn’t agree more, I think VR + Brunner is set to be a killer combo. But I only experienced it in what looks like 240p so far ;(


    Hey Webmaximus, to keep things separate I just posted in a new thread some thoughts about settings that I have used. As you say it would be great to hear from others about their experience and settings.

    Also, I’m really looking forward to trying out VR properly. At the moment like many others, I’m still waiting for a 3080 I ordered 5 months ago! So I have a taste of what I’m missing when I fire up VR with my 1070, but it’s a bit rubbish so I’m sticking to pancake mode for now 😉


    Hi Jorge

    I only just saw your post – things are a bit quiet around here so I don’t check in very often.

    I use the yoke hat for camera shortcuts – maybe you already worked it out but you can do it from within MSFS itself (not in CLS2Sim) where the yoke should show up in the Controls settings page and it’s possible to assign the buttons/hat.

    Regarding the other point, having had the CLS-E and Rudders for a couple of month now, I thought I’d spend a bit of time in the past week trying to get my head around the various settings in CLS2Sim. I have managed to get profiles that I’m fairly happy with for the C172, C208, TBM and CJ4 (with WT mod). Having said that, I have no real life experience in any of them except the C172. I do seem to have the “elevator drop” thing working fairly well – not exactly like the real thing, but good enough that it’s worth doing I think. And it’s fine on the take off roll, as the air/prop wash pushes it to the centre.

    I don’t have ground vibration effects turned on – I found these to be very unrealistic and distracting as things stand – maybe that will improve over time (or maybe I’m doing something wrong)

    I hope you get things working ok 🙂


    Ah, the Flight Director repeatedly turning on and off every second or so – I thought it was just me, no sign of this on the internet anywhere! I did wonder whether it was a Brunner yoke/rudder related problem.

    For me, it *seems* as if it only starts happening after a more extreme pitch/attitude event (usually triggered by some questionable flying manoeuvre caused by lack of ability/attention on my part!) whereas if the autopilot isn’t having too much asked of it then the on/off bug doesn’t seem to happen. Once it happens though, it seems as if it affects all flights (even in other aircraft) until MSFS/CLS2Sim is restarted??

    As you say @dsjameyson, it doesn’t seem to affect the function of the autopilot but is a bit distracting. It would be great if it could be fixed 🙂

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