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  • #2412

    Works exactly as one would hope, marvellous!
    It’s an amazing feeling using my Brunner in Battle of Stalingrad – THANK-YOU!

    To other people trying this –
    Once installed and connected, you still need to get it working in game, this is where I got held up..
    You have a clone of a joystick on the ardiuno, and you need to assign the game to the ardiuno.. So the key for me was to read the options on the wiki relating to delaying the ‘stick movement’ of the arduino! These explain the method of delaying the arduino reporting it’s position to the sim: so you move the stick, *then* click assign in game, because of the delay the sim only sees the late arduino signal. Works great tho.

    To get force feedback the sim needs to have the arduino as roll and pitch – not the CLSE joystick. Button binds can be to the CLSE as normal as there are no buttons on the arduino, just the two axis.

    Also – my settings in windows

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    Wow – this is a killer feature for CLSE flightstick.

    Having directx based ffb for games (as well as more advanced direct support in those supported sims) makes this stick perfect.

    Your idea is really clever and I have my Arduino Micro on order, coming later in the week! Can’t wait to try it and will report back

    Thank-you for sharing your work!

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