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  • #2435

    Hi all – a real CLS-E Brunner fan after four years (and brilliant support), but a quick question.

    The yoke is stunning in MSFS 2020 but the left hand buttons/ rocker switches (and the right rocker switch) don’t appear to be recognised by 2020 when going through the normal allocation routine (ie where 2020 searches for, and finds, each button or rocker switch).

    Default functions have appeared automatically on X-Plane (eg elevator trim on the left rocker switch, which is wonderful) but I can’t find a way to make this work for 2020.

    Apologies if this has been answered before but I can’t find it.

    All help welcome!



    Eureka! I have totally re-formatted the machine and installed a fresh copy of X-Plane plus the Brunner software (plus the graphics, etc) – at super-slow download speeds, yet only an overnight job.

    It works perfectly in 2-D.

    I am now downloading the Oculus software to take it to 3-D.

    I suspect, after around four years with the Brunner yoke, that one of the numerous automatic updates (Windows, graphics, etc) – plus FSX and other various installations – has created some sort of conflict, but will never know.

    The good news is now – problem solved!

    Huge Thanks to Stefan and his team and happy flying 🙂


    Hi and huge thanks. I have checked the USB power mgment function and disabled the “allow Windows to turn off this USB for power saving” (or equivalent label) function and still no joy.

    I don’t have the rudder unit so the yoke USB output goes directly to a (blue) USB on the PC (similarly not through a hub). Brunner have logged on and remotely checked and re-installed the latest software and got the machine to talk to the yoke (thanks to the assignation above) but it keeps juddering/ freezing.

    X-Plane.exe has installed directly on the desktop and the Brunner plugin is showing as installed (again, Brunner checked everything remotely – excellent service).

    They are logging in again today and more shortly.


    And a further update Dec 9 – Pedals and throttle quadrant removed / uninstalled (to eliminate any potential conflicts) yet problem persists.

    Have discovered the yoke judders/freezes equally on X-Plane and FSX, while a substituted old Saitek X52 joystick/throttle combo work perfectly on both.

    All very mysterious!


    Hi and an update to the above. Huge Thanks to Stefan Brunner who accessed my PC and found I had not used the IP (D’OH).

    The yoke now connects but judders / freezes. Brunner reports a third party programme is interfering, so I am off to source the solution through the X-Plane forums and remove other programmes in a “process of elimination”.


    Hi all – after a couple of years of happy CLS-E operation I have faced precisely the same issues as above, ie “Is the plugin installed and enabled?” “No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it” etc…

    After contacting Brunner directly some time ago, on their guidance I have done the following (on several occasions):

    · Uninstalled/ reinstalled Xplane
    · Downloaded latest Brunner software
    · Made sure Xplane was not running
    · Installed plugin
    · Checked the “Xplane 10 Connector” folder is in the right place
    · Started Xplane, then CLS software, on the runway
    · (and checked the plugin is working from the top menu within Xplane, but not while trying to activate the CLS software to avoid confusing it)

    …Then I checked the firewall settings (inc disabling the firewall) and entered the IP of the machine in the appropriate CLS software setup.

    As this issue surfaced during my first experience with Xplane directly (I had previously been operating Xplane and FSX Steam Edition via Flyinside) I also tried reverting to FSX Steam (via Flyinside), to find the same thing.

    …On both programmes it will connect to the hardware (and initialise), but not to the flight sim. In FSX it gives no reason for failure – it just goes off to restart every few seconds. FSX also has its plugin installed, BTW.

    I have also been through all the “prerequisites” menu several times.

    Running this on Windows 10 with a more than capable PC.


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