FORUM › Forums › Software › CLS2SIM Software › Yoke won't move when autopilot is engaged in the Zibo mod in XP11 › Reply To: Yoke won't move when autopilot is engaged in the Zibo mod in XP11
Hi all,
I haven’t noticed any particular strange behaviour, i.e. the oscillations that Jovabra experiences. My yoke is quite smooth inside and outside the cockpit. Outside, the Brunner, just some vibrations because I prefered to activate the Motor Vibs with a 5% force just not to fall asleep while flying 🙂
I used my own profile because I found those available not realistic. That said because i had a real pilot tested a couple and he said that the forces that you have to apply to the yoke of the B767 and the A330 (he flew the first and now he’s in the second) are way much less accentuated than those he tested.
I also use the latest XP and Zibo version available. For control sensitivity settings, i confirm what Diego explained earlier. I had them set with the values somebody in the Zibo forum shared but now I see that they are completely different. My control response were all set to 100 and Stab augmentation to 0. Now they have different values. Fine by me as long as the aircraft is stable. The yoke movement follows the A/P when it’s connected. I see the banks much more accentuated than the pitches, I guess before it’s the trim that’s doing most of the job.
Everything is fine, but I must say that I only did a very short flight yesterday because I was anxious to test the news.
Hope this helps. Webmaximus give it a try whenever you can and let me know your results.