FORUM › Forums › Products › CLSE-Yoke › Violent Stick Shaking (Stall) despite Stick Shake being disabled. › Reply To: Violent Stick Shaking (Stall) despite Stick Shake being disabled.
Dear Mr. Brunner,
Thank you for your help. Listed below are the steps and actions taken and the observed results.
1. Put the CLS-E Yoke into “Power Off” setting.
2. Opened the CLS2Sim application.
3. Opened the Profile Manager > Profile Cloud; Downloaded Revision 4 of the C172SP profile.
4. Selected and loaded the profile.
5. Initialized the CLS-E Yoke.
6. Started X-Plane 11; loaded into Airfoil Labs Cessna 172 SP at Aerodome “CNC3”.
7. With engine off, tested Full Pitch and Roll travel along the yoke.
—-Result: >The Center point (rest position) of the yoke is 50% travel (midway) for both pitch and roll.
————->Elevator weight function does not seem to be working.
————->When attempting pitch and roll movements, the amount of force is linear and unchanging.
————->No noticeable stick shaking.
8. Started the engine; set RPM=2000. Tested Pitch and Roll movements.
—-Result: >No observable changes in Yoke behaviour.
9. set Engine; Full Power.
—-Result: >No observable changes in Yoke behaviour.
10. Takeoff from aerodome, climb to 4,500 ASL @29.92 inHG.
11. Perform power on stall test:
—-Steps: 1. Straight and level flight.
————2. Set pitch to +5°.
————3. Set power to idle, hold altitude while gradually increasing pitch; maximum +20° pitch.
————4. At under 40 Kts; set RPM=1500-1800, increase pitch to 25°, hold until stall warning.
————5. Use rudder to increase roll over from prop and cause a stall.
—-Results: >Stick shaker activates; shaking is subtle and short lasting.
————–>As airspeed increases, the Yoke becomes harder to move/manipulate.
————–>The effects of elevator trim and airspeed are present.
12. Perform a standard landing.
—-Results: >As speed goes below approximately 20 Kts; violent stick shaking begins and does not stop until Yoke is set to “Power Off” on yoke handle menu.
————–>After “Power On”, the yoke will continue to violently shake if not kept in either 0% travel (max downward pitch) or 100% travel (max upward pitch).
————–>Maximum strength vibration is felt at 50% travel (centered).
13. Complete restart of the CLS2Sim software nor disabling the “Stick Shaker” option has any effect on this behaviour.
14. Upon takeoff, the stick shaking effect stops. The effect is observed once again during stalls as per the procedures described above.
As for your suggestions here are the results, using your corresponding step numbers:
1. In this state, the Yoke is centered (50% pitch and roll). The Yoke displays linearly increasing force as it travels or rotates.
2. There are no vibrations as per the state above.
3. See Step #13 above.
Edit: Post formatting is somewhat broken for me it seems. Cannot do indents.
I forgot to mention, these problems only began after loading the following profile from the Profile Cloud: “Airfoil Labs 172 (With Turbulances) – Wayne McConnell”. Even after unloading the profile, the issues remained. Before this, the stick shaking issue did not occur.