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  • #1097

    ther’e is a beta version of the update ?


    it will behave differently as after the pitot failure it will take into account the TAS instead of IAS


    I’m afraid, you’ are a bit off.

    Force on the one axis is : 0.5*Air density mass*V²*d, d being the axis deflection (True AS), so same speed but different altitude = different air density.

    However flying at the same Indicated Air Speed 5K or FL 280 will result in the same force on the yoke.

    But IAS will be implemented in the next software update, so with the profile, you will notice less stiffness

    Force VS Airpseed Profile ( Flaw)


    looks like a nice compromise, any ETA when the update will be available ?


    I see.

    Maybe a compromise could be that if a pitot tube failure is detected, the software reverts back to TAS ?


    or maybe this one : sim/aircraft/view/acf_asi_kts int y enum air speed indicator knots calibration I think this data is the KIAS


    I didn’t read carefully enough Diego. As suggested in my mail, just give the option to the users and maybe put a text about pros an con of either choice



    For me the software uses only the TAS speed for force scaling which is wrong in my opinion.

    If you climb/descent at a given Speed (IAS) the force on the yoke should remain the same, it is not the case currently.

    Try climbing at the constant speed (IAS), you will see that the force scaling number will increase instead of remaining the same (because as it climbs, the TAS increases even though the IAS remain constant.

    A simple fix is just to get the current IAS of the aircraft instead of the TAS of the aircraft.

    Brunner told me by mail that it will be fixed in the next update. ( I just noticed that it was you Diego that replied to me.

    I think the software should read this : sim/aircraft/view/acf_Vso float y kias Various speed maxes for the aircraft.

    KIAS is for calibrated IAS I think, if that’s correct, that’s what the software should read instead of TAS. I dont think you need to convert, couldn’t Xplane nor P3D give you already the data for the IAS or KIAS ?


    As which part of the flight ?

    Don’t forget that the is a flaw with the speed in the software, even if you climb at the same speed IAS, the control will get stiffer because the software only takes into account the TAS, so the more you climb, the more stiffer it will get.

    It should be fine during final approach and initial climb. The TBM is very sensitive, so the stiffness doesn’t bother me as it easy to make correction


    Haha. I was more into ailriner and the tbm just made love the GA, but it has to have at least a G1000, i’m a glass cockpit slut lol. Even if i enjoy flying in between like the 737-300 from IXEG


    No need, i spoke about that with Toto, i’ve have several dozen hours with the tbm +brunner yoke +my profile and no issue. All is working: hardware trim, AP….


    No need 🙂


    Yeah that’s what toto (tbm dev) told me.


    Glad to help. Feel free to give me your impression. Someone told me that i was a bit stiff at low speed compared to other GA aircraft he flew. I did increase a bit the force at low speed to better handfly during apporach because i felt that when little force is applied on the yoke, when you release the yoke, it doesnt go back quick enough to the neutral trimmed position.

    Also there is an issue currently with the software: it takes into account the True airspeed instead of the indicated air speed. So even if you climb at a constant IAS speed like 150 Kts, the force applied on the yoke should remained the same, its currently not the case with the software as it takes the TAS and the TAS increase during climb and decrease duirng descent, so don’t be scared if you get a stiffer yoke when you climb. Brunner told me that they will add an option to choose between IAS and TAS in the next software update and i will update the profile accordingly

    Camille MB


    its this one : see attached

    Just to go to the cloud on the cls sim software and download my profile

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Well don’t bother, I’vez already made a profile with it 🙂

    There is 2 profiles take the latest one: the V2 ( From Camille MB & Totoritko)

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