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  • #1210

    Have you got turbulence ticked in CLS2SIM as well? From my short time with this software I believe CLS2SIM turbulence is independent of Xplane.



    Diego I should have added to my list above the CLS-E NG yoke, you will then emulate my system.



    Diego, can I ask you to try a take-off with the following parameters and let us know the results please.

    Xplane 11.34
    Xplane Baron
    ground level crosswind at 90 deg to the runway at a speed of 11 or 12 knts
    no turbulence in Xplane or CLS2SIM

    The reason I ask is that I can now control the Baron crosswind oscillations by making adjustments in Planemaker but as soon as I use CLS2SIM software the oscillations are back and all the changes I have tried in Planemaker to control this have no effect.

    In the standard Xplane I noted that when I reduced the Planemaker “nosewheel steering full deflection time” my rudder corrections became more effective. I see it as thus, I put in rudder movement to control the swing then the nosewheel steering catches up and adds more. So I back off and the nosewheel steering catches up and adds more. The effect is to start oscillations.

    In summary, although I can make adjustments in Planemaker to control this in standard Xplane, I cannot when running CLS2SIM. To my mind this implies that CLS2SIM is introducing its own system delays which I cannot compensate for.

    At the moment unless in still air my Brunner software is unfit for purpose.

    I look forward to your feedback.



    Stephan I am using CH rudder pedals so they are mapped separately. True when I ran Xplane without CLS2SIM I had to map my NG yoke in Xplane settings so it was unmapped as you ask.



    Of course when I came to do it I realised I have no need to change my yoke all I need do is not start CLS2SIM.

    I have now done 20 TO with and without CLS2SIM. I also had the thought that as I was using real world weather turbulence may be an issue so I set the weather in Xplane to manual with a 90 deg to the runway crosswind at 11 knts. I also TO in both directions.

    At the moment inertia seems to be the issue, inertia seems to be increased with CLS2SIM running. Without CLS2SIM running I can TO satisfactorily, with it running I start to have swing issues though I am now becoming more proficient in controlling the swing. Without CLS2SIM I to in a reasonably straight line, with it I zig-zag at best.

    During these tests I noticed another thing. I said I turned off turbulence in Xplane weather but with CLS2SIM running I can feel turbulence in my yoke. Now when I enabled turbulence in CLS2SIM I assumed it would get its data from Xplane, but I have that turned off so it must generate it’s own.

    In summary running CLS2SIM we have seemingly increased inertia with random(?) turbulence from any direction(?).

    I have attached my settings file.


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    Thank you for the prompt replies. Massimo, are you saying this is an Xplane issue?

    Now I have always found the Xplane Baron sensitive to rudder input so I always moderate this by making the rudder input less effective by flattening it’s response curve in Xplane settings. This is just to make it easier for me, I can take-off happily in both conditions.

    The current swing problem is in a completely different category.

    To see if the swing is caused by excessive rudder input I did three take-offs with the view set to the rear using shift+4. The first TO was OK <s>, 2 and 3 had the swing. Now from the rear the oscillation seems to happen with very little rudder deflection. Of course the tendency is once it has started to increase rudder movement to try to control it.

    Now normally I would not have associated this swing with CLS2SIM until I read that another Brunner user was having swing issues with his Brunner pedals. My serios swing issues only started after I had installed and used CLS2SIM.

    Initially I’ll refit my CH yoke and see if it persists. I’ll report back.


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