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    I put some more time in, and it does seem to be working well after the update.

    However, I am still seeing one minor issue, which is the flight director turning on and off, after using the autopilot. It’s actually not very bothersome, except on the 748, where it makes a loud clicking sound.


    Ah, the Flight Director repeatedly turning on and off every second or so – I thought it was just me, no sign of this on the internet anywhere! I did wonder whether it was a Brunner yoke/rudder related problem.

    For me, it *seems* as if it only starts happening after a more extreme pitch/attitude event (usually triggered by some questionable flying manoeuvre caused by lack of ability/attention on my part!) whereas if the autopilot isn’t having too much asked of it then the on/off bug doesn’t seem to happen. Once it happens though, it seems as if it affects all flights (even in other aircraft) until MSFS/CLS2Sim is restarted??

    As you say @dsjameyson, it doesn’t seem to affect the function of the autopilot but is a bit distracting. It would be great if it could be fixed 🙂


    Hi everybody,

    Question regarding CLS2Sim v4.28.2.
    I have purchased my MSFS2020 software from the Microsoft Store, and would like to use the “Start Sim” accessible from settings in CLS2Sim.

    Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to allow for access in Windows, allowing CLS2Sim to access the .exe file in the hidden folders associated with MSFS2020.

    Is there another way? Has anybody had any luck with this operation?

    I’m not interested in using Steam, since it will require yet another program to open and login, before MSFS2020 is accessible, but does it work?

    Does anybody know if it is possible to purchase MSFS2020 with just an installation file, similar to X-Plane.

    Kind regards


    Hey Daniel,
    Have you ensured you’ve run the MSFX plugin installer located in your CLS2Sim installation directory? You have to run the plug in for each sim you’ll be using. Also when you start CLS2Sim, ensure You’ve checked “Use MS Flight Simulator X or MS Flight Simulator 2020” under File>Settings. Hope this helps. I’ve had no trouble using my Brunner Joy Stick. Your instal question may be better answered on the Microsoft Forum or AVSIM.
    Good Luck.


    Hi Wrap23,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I actually didn’t know that there was a plug-in installer, however I just tried installing it without it changing anything (what I can see).

    I have no problem checking the “Use MS Flight Simulator X or MS Flight Simulator 2020”, and using CLS2Sim together with MSFS2020 with clicking connect in the CLS2Sim window whenever MSFS2020 is ready, I just want to avoid this manual step.

    I want CLS2Sim to start, and whenever it is ready CLS2Sim uses the “Start Sim” function to run the .exe for MSFS2020 (which also allows CLS2Sim to restart MSFS2020 should it crash).
    This works perfectly with X-Plane, I as an administrator of the PC, does not have the permissions to allow CLS2Sim, to access the .exe file.

    Any other good ideas?


    Kind regards


    As I understand it, there’s no need to install any plugins for MSFS. Since the yoke is supported natively in this simulator.


    To add to this, the very first post in this thread from Stefan gives detailed instructions what exactly is required.


    Hi Webmaximu,

    Unfortunately does Stefan not say anything regarding Start Sim. At least not from what I can find.

    He writes that you manually have to connect when MSFS2020 is running, which works fine – but I want to use a feature that works perfect with X-Plane 11.

    Kind regards


    I’m sorry Daniel, I might have misunderstood your issue/question.

    I also use CLS2Sim both with MSFS2020 and X-Plane without any issues. I just change what simulator to connect to in CLS2Sim under the File-Settings menu. After this, I start MSFS2020 or X-Plane manually.

    As I understand it, you wish being able to have your sim start automatically. This I have no experience of I’m afraid. So can’t help you with that one.


    Hi Webmaximu,

    You are completely right 🙂 Everything works, but this little detail.

    Thanks anyway!

    Kind regards


    Hi all,

    I ended up with creating a small terminal program, that is calling MSFS2020 to start. Then I could ask CLS2Sim to execute that homemade .exe, which then opens MSFS2020..

    So stuff is working now!

    Kind regards


    Hello there,
    MY CLS-E NG has just arrived and I’m still getting used to it flying the C172 both in X-Plane and MSFS2020.
    The good news is that in X-Plane it’s pretty awesome compared to the basic saitek I had and is similar to the real C172 where I’m getting my license.
    Just hope my wife doesn’t ask how much it cost 🙂

    It’s quite realistic practicing stalls where the recovery maneuver applies a lot of pressure in the elevator in order to prevent the plane from steep climbing. Just like the real thing.

    However there are a few kinks in MSFS that I cannot sort out and don’t know if they are bugs or just me missing something.
    I’m using the C172 profile from Stephan Brunner with the engine vibration and ground effects disabled.
    When accelerating on the runway in MSFS2020 the yoke remains fully downwards as if there is no prop wash.
    Therefore to takeoff I need to apply backpressure to prevent the plane from nosing down.

    I’m also unable to assign camera shortcuts to the yoke buttons using the CLS2SIM software. Is this by design?



    Hi Jorge

    I only just saw your post – things are a bit quiet around here so I don’t check in very often.

    I use the yoke hat for camera shortcuts – maybe you already worked it out but you can do it from within MSFS itself (not in CLS2Sim) where the yoke should show up in the Controls settings page and it’s possible to assign the buttons/hat.

    Regarding the other point, having had the CLS-E and Rudders for a couple of month now, I thought I’d spend a bit of time in the past week trying to get my head around the various settings in CLS2Sim. I have managed to get profiles that I’m fairly happy with for the C172, C208, TBM and CJ4 (with WT mod). Having said that, I have no real life experience in any of them except the C172. I do seem to have the “elevator drop” thing working fairly well – not exactly like the real thing, but good enough that it’s worth doing I think. And it’s fine on the take off roll, as the air/prop wash pushes it to the centre.

    I don’t have ground vibration effects turned on – I found these to be very unrealistic and distracting as things stand – maybe that will improve over time (or maybe I’m doing something wrong)

    I hope you get things working ok 🙂


    I’ve had my CLS-E yoke for many years now and love it!

    Up until now, I’ve spent all my time in X-Plane and 99% of my time has been in the Zibo 737-800 mod where I have my yoke setup perfectly with some help from 737 NG pilots to get the “right feel”.

    Now with MSFS2020 out but no 737 yet, I’ve started playing around with the default GA aircraft that come with MSFS2020. Haven’t really started messing around too much with the CLS2Sim settings yet. More been playing around and enjoying the stunning visuals MSFS2020 has to offer! Even more so now in VR!!

    For those of you in here with real life experience flying GA aircraft, it would be awesome if you could share some of your settings for flying the GA aircraft in MSFS2020. Which settings are important in your opinion to get the most out of a Brunner yoke to get as close to the real thing as possible.

    Any input and tips highly appreciated!


    Hey Webmaximus, to keep things separate I just posted in a new thread some thoughts about settings that I have used. As you say it would be great to hear from others about their experience and settings.

    Also, I’m really looking forward to trying out VR properly. At the moment like many others, I’m still waiting for a 3080 I ordered 5 months ago! So I have a taste of what I’m missing when I fire up VR with my 1070, but it’s a bit rubbish so I’m sticking to pancake mode for now 😉

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