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  • #1548

    Many thanks for your feedback. You are absolutely correct on the Brunner marketing strategy. I only found out about Brunner by accident. It is important that there is a choice of flight sim hardware on offer at various budgets which will allow newcomers into the hobby. Based on my hands-on during RAF Cosford sim show, the new Honeycomb Yoke and throttle units are comparative to the Saitek yoke price range but far superior. Anyway, I have no doubt you will enjoy your Brunner product.

    PS: Correction – In my cockpit photo attachment above, it is the Saitek yoke that pictured not my new Brunner NG.


    uploaded cockpit picture using 49ins monitor and Brunner Yoke.

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    Further to how I use my Samsung 49 ins monitor, I have attached some photos. Most people are inquiring as to level of realism including the realism of using Brunner yoke. Having seen and tried most yokes available I endorse the Brunner Yoke. This will cost more but the quality and force feedback is in my view worth it. As to overall realism, if one wants 100% realism then one must learn to fly a real aircraft. I guess even the most complex simulator operated by for example BA training school will compromise a little.
    Many factors go into adding to overall realism including hardware, visuals, software, cockpit rig etc. Additionally, the much anticipated Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 will take the level of realism even further based on the information now coming out. Going back to the Brunner yoke, I upgrade from my old Saitek yoke to the Brunner NG. This has been a fabulous transformation. The feedback gives a feeling of actually convincing myself I am controlling the virtual aircraft. Having said that, I am not a real pilot but did qualify as a glider (sport) pilot whilst in the army and therefore cannot be certain what is total realism. But for the people who are questioning of debating whether to take the dip and purchase a Brunner yoke, I will say, you will not be disappointed. Remember a video card can cost up to £1000 or more, so if finances are not an issue go for it.


    I am using my 49 ins as the main monitor with a second 15 ins using Air Manager for the aircraft panel. A small 10 ins monitor is then used for map or gps. I have enclosed the 49 ins within my cockpit build to eliminate any non cockpit visual distraction. To be safe I have painted the walls outside the cockpit enclosure in Matt black eliminating light bleed. I set up the 49 ins to look just over the cockpit dashboard so you can just see the front of the aircraft as one would see in a real aircraft. With a 49 ins it highly effective. It all about eliminating irrelevant non simulator visual cues to help convince your brain you are in a cockpit environment.


    I am more than happy with the Bruner NG yoke. It a good investment. During the RAF Cosford simm show, I tries all the main yokes, and can honestly say the Brunner NG is the best. Next the Yoko, then the new Honeycombe yoke now coming out, but this is for the budget to mid price band and will no doubt see the end of The saitek yoke. One should also consider what coming out next year with Microsoft flight sim 2020. It will not make this new sim any justice using a cheap yoke like saitek. The review by Austin was no doubt geared to give general overview of each yoke. As most who have reasoned quite rightly stated that that the magic is the fine tuning of the NG. Future up-dates and firmware will also improve the yoke. But as for myself, my flying is much more precise. The 49 ins wide view monitor also helps. It is exiting times for flight simming, and equipment will only get better. We all started on the budget yokes etc, and the new honeycombe will be a fantastic starter, as it will have more bangs for bucks because the unit has switches, gear, flap, warning panel, and auto pilot panel. One can then progress to yoko or even the Brunner. Austin review of the Brunner yoke is matched by several other reviews. Collectively, there is enough info to help make up ones mind on the pros and cons of each yoke. Happy flying.


    I have the yoke NG. I can feel slight vibes when flying. I would recommend downloading the profiles. Also, don’t know if the sound setting (sub-woofer) will have anything to do to enhance the vibes…or am I well off the mark.


    I have been using this yoke now for two weeks. I have to seek assistance from helpdesk which resolved the issue. Currently very pleased with yoke and its abilities. My flying is more controllable and precise. There is a good feeling of actually flying the aircraft. Currently only used yoke with Cessna (Xplane 11) with profile downloaded. There is much to explore about the capabilities of the yoke. When you compare the price od a decent graphics card in order to run a decent flight sim, then then the cost of a decent yoke to increase realism is then justified. You get what you pay for.


    I too are having same problem. I tried unplugging and replugging the main electrical plug socket and this reeks to reset the yoke. But surely this should not happen and needs sorting out.


    I have only just installed Bruner yoke. When it work it is good but when it does not I regret paying the money. It is temperamental and the initiation sometimes work but not all the time in regards to the pitch. You could consider possibly the Yoko yoke which I believe has fewer problems. However due to the expense I am now stuck with a temperamental yoke which takes away the fun of flight simming.

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